Learning Objectives

A student who successfully completes the course should be able to:

  1. 🤨 Healthy Skepticism. Apply scientific reasoning to spot and critically evaluate claims made by scientists and non-scientists about human memory.
  2. 🗣️Teamwork and leadership skills. Lead and participate in class discussions led by your peers. Taking this responsibility seriously will present you with numerous opportunities to take agency over your own learning and build communication skills one thoughtful and respectful conversation at a time — skills you’ll need in any job where you must engage and collaborate with other humans (so any job, basically).
  3. ✍🏾 Writing to change yourself and the world.  Write to think and and synethesizes your thoughts; Write to communicate your thoughts; Write to inspire others to commit themselves to action all while using evidence-based reasoning.

<aside> 🏁 Note. These learning objectives are designed to fulfill the American Psychological Association’s Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major and to give you skills you can actually use outside of this class.


<aside> 👋🏽 Difference, Power, & Equity. Though this class won’t earn you a shiny DPE badge, we will strive to consider different perspectives at all times. We will accomplish this by reading the ideas and observing the creations of diverse authors, film-makers, artists, podcast hosts, and scholars.
