Health/Accessibility Resources

I am committed to ensuring that students have every opportunity to succeed in this course. If you are in need of accommodations to reach your full potential, please contact Dr. GL Wallace (Director of Accessible Education) at 413-597-4672 or [email protected] (see also or let me know what I can do to help out.

If you are experiencing mental or physical health challenges that are significantly affecting your academic work or well-being, you are highly encouraged to speak with a dean so we can help you find the right resources. The deans can be reached at 413-597-4171 or  If you are struggling with any aspect of this course, please book a consultation appointment with me one-on-one as soon as you can ( or else drop by my consultation hours! I will do my very best to help you. But remember that the earlier you let me know, the sooner you’ll get the assistance you need to do your best.

Academic Resources

Writing Center The Williams Writing Center has a staff of trained tutors who are ecstatic to work with you to become a more effective writer, from planning and organizing a paper, to writing, and then proofreading it. The Writing Center is a valuable resource for any student of writing. I encourage you to use it especially as you complete this class' SciComm project. Check it out and book an appointment:

Libraries Did you know that we have some brilliant librarians at Williams? Well, we do and you should be all over them like a freshman at the fall semester tag sale.  As part of this class you will be expected to search for/find resources on your own. Below are some resources that will help with this specific task. The Welcome to the Library guide ( contains short video tutorials about library basics; library catalog, choosing a database. Our psychology librarian liaison is the fabulous Abigail Cahill [she-her] but you can also reach any librarian using the “Ask A Librarian” service at To navigate how to cite sources refer to the “Citing Your Sources” guide:

